Monday, July 31, 2006

Photo of the Day 7/31/06

The end is near!
No, I'm not referring to the rapture - this is the end of the
local canalway. Or the beginning, however you want to look at it.
The canalway runs from the IL to MS rivers. This is the outlet
that runs to the IL river, somewhere beyond those trees.
Why is it important?
I've reached my goal of making the ride from our usual
starting point, to the "end" and back -- 28.4 miles!
Sunday morning, I didn't start out with the intention of riding this far,
it just sort of happened. But the boyfriend and I made it. I'm glad
he "stuck it out", as he's not as used to riding as I am.
Next big goal: 40 miles
(end to visitor center and back)

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