Friday, September 22, 2006

From Me

So...I am quite behind on my "photos of the day". To be quite honest, I have not taken many photographs as of late. I haven't been taking time to smell the roses lately. Work and life has been a little overwhelming lately, but I plan to try and recharge this weekend and start fresh (perspective and photos) on Monday.

Friday, September 15, 2006

Photo of the Day 9/14/06

Mom, I am so not feeling like posing right now.

Photo of the Day 9/13/06

A creepy spider has invaded my back stairs/fall decor.
I hate spiders.
And this guy has brought his friends along as well. There are about a half dozen large brown spiders with webs surrounding my front door. I get the heebie-jeebies every time I go in and out. I need some sort of massive spray that kills spiders from a great distance away.

Photo of the Day 9/12/06

Oh crap!
This is what I get for trying to eat cottage cheese whilst driving. I had set the bowl on the passenger seat until I got out onto the highway (too much constant shifting in town). But before I got to the highway, I had to slam on the brakes causing my cottage cheese bowl to go airborne. Eeeeew!

Monday, September 11, 2006

Photo of the Day 9/11/06

Sammie practices her "death stare" a little bit more. She despises my other two cats ("boys are icky, mom!") and they often get her attempted evil eye.

Extra Photos

"Wedding Belles"
I have no idea what these flowers are really called--that's just the name I've given them (although they do look a lot like petunias). They grow in a row on a vine, and I picture them adorning a garden arch in a wedding. On the canalway, they grow from the ditches onto the roadway.

Photo of the Day 9/8/06

These are what I've dubbed "Fall Warning Flowers" as they were the first subtle little touch of fall color to show up in our area (along the canalway on a weekday morning ride). A lot has already changed in the week since I've taken this photo! The crops are turning colors and leaves are starting to change. The heat seems to have subsided, with overnight temperatures in the 50's and daytime highs in the 70's. Fall is defintely here, and I love it!

Thursday, September 07, 2006

Photo of the Day 9/7/06

Hmm hmm hmm hmm hmm, I love this bar!
You are looking at a relatively lightweight (9lb) "miniature barbell" used for exercise. A regular barbell weighs 45lbs, and our gym has one that is 35lbs, but for some things that can be too heavy. So I went out and bought my own. (I guess our gym already has the set of these in differing weights locked in a closet somewhere...glad they showed me around and let me know that!) Anyway, I love this bar--it just came via UPS and I can't wait to try it out.

Wednesday, September 06, 2006

Photo of the Day 9/6/06

Sunrise on my way to work today. Fall always seems to bring with it the colorful sunrises. This one isn't all that spectactular, but I know the oranges, purples, and reds are soon to come.

Photo of the Day 9/5/06

More super-fresh flowers from the boyfriend's place.

Re-Do Photo of the Day 9/1/06

A re-do of the before & after that was here.
Yay! Color! Warmth!

Tuesday, September 05, 2006

Photo of the Day 9/4/06

Huey thinks his bed is reversible...

Photo of the Day 9/1/06

Before and after photo of the view from the living room couch (here) down the hall toward the bath (here) and bedroom (yet to come). The "before" photo was taken while the previous renter lived there. Dang that's a dark photo...I will update with a "Re-do Photo of the Day" when I get a brighter photo taken. With more color/light, I think the difference between the two will be extra dramatic.

Photo of the Day 8/31/09

Oh great, you caught me...

But if I can't see you, you can't see me!

I know how my baskets keep getting out of place! I figured it was Sammie's doing, but didn't realize she was actually sleeping in them. Guess she's jealous of Huey's new bed. Dollar Store, here I come again...