Friday, June 30, 2006

Photo(s) of the Day 6/29/06

One month ago, I moved into a new place. Parts of it are still in "clean up" stage, as working full and part time just doesn't allow enough time for me to have completely finished yet. But it's a work in process. This is one angle of the living room--before, in process, and finished. Note: The "before" is from before the previous tenant moved out. Also note: The previous tenant is my you see one reason why we didn't move in together.

Fixing things up was fun, but a lot of time-consuming and hard work. I pulled up the carpeting and painted the floor instead of opting for more carpeting. For one, I don't own it so it would be too much expense, and second, I have 3 cats who are on occasion prone to hairballs. With carpet (imho) once something like that happens, it's never clean again. Anyway about the room. Talk about a blank slate! White walls all around! And I don't know who ever thought to hang miniblinds outside the window sills (the windows are almost 8" recessed from the wall, tho it is hard to tell from the pictures). Hanging the blinds inside the window well made such a difference. The carpet was a leftover remnant from carpeting the last place. The couches are covered with sheets until I can 1. get the cats brushed enough to shed less and 2. clean the couches. Theu were uncovered for a period of time, and there's some cat hair on them (ew!).

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